Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thirty Something

Remember the show Thirty Something from the late 80's? I loved the show - never missed an episode. I find it kind of funny to think that, as a 17 year old, I was obsessed with a show about people in their 30's.

For whatever reason, the show popped into my head today and I did a Google search. Of course, I came across the official Thirty Something website and explored for a while. What shocked the hell out of me was the realization that most of the actors in the show were actually younger (in 1987) than I am now! Sexy Ken Olin was only 33 when the show started.

As I read the summaries of the episodes I could not help but think, "this actually sounds boring to me now." I guess when you are 17 in podunk Central Illinois, these educated folks, living in the city (I think it was Philadelphia), and dealing with all the problems of being thirty something was fascinating. At the time, I so wanted to be like them - now I just want to go back. Well, maybe not back to 17, but 20 something would be ok (with my current salary and wisdom of course).....


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