Tuesday, October 25, 2005


The escapist fantasy. How I love it. When things are not going 100%, it is so easy to think about leaving it all behind....

Of course, I actually did do this once - back in 2000 when the opportunity to move to California literally landed in my lap. I guess that is what is so amazing about the escapist fantasy - it can actually happen.

As I had noted in my prior post, the new owners of my division were sniffing around pretty seriously in regard to my mobility. Well, in day 2 of our meetings, they were a little more direct (but not absolutely direct) and indicated there were two positions that I might find interesting.

Position one is located in Dayton, Ohio. No way in hell. I have been to that infamous red state once and really do not want to ever go back. Position two is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Cold, but from what I have heard a neat city.

So, I naturally found myself reading up on the city, searching realtor.com, and even browsing the local men on match.com (yes, I love the boyfriend, but I am a realist). What I have discovered is homes are beautiful and extremely cheap (by California standards). I found the greatest house (per the pictures) for only $399k - that does not even get you a condo out here. The men.....not so good. They all looked so....... midwestern. I guess that is one good thing about California.

Whatever the case, I kind of like knowing that I have made some preliminary in roads with the new owners and they seem to want me to move up in the organization. However, at the end of the day, I think I am going to steer that moving up toward LA.

When traffic is bad or I have a fight with the boyfriend, Minneapolis sure does seem attractive though......


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