Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election Day

Long time, no posts..... As you know, my company was acquired last week and things have been nuts. The pre-close lull came to an abrupt end and everyone is running around like a chicken with its head cut off (growing up on a farm in the Midwest, I actually know what that looks like).

Anyway, wanted to at least get one quick post out today as it is election day and all. I went to the polls first thing this morning - I always like to get the "I voted" sticker and wear it all day (shows I take my rights as an American citizen seriously and is a good reminder to all that I come across to get out there and vote). Funny to think that you get the same reaction as you do on Ash Wednesday - people always say, "oh yeah - I have to go vote" or in the case of Ash Wednesday, "oh yeah - I have to go to church." Of course, I have not gone to Ash Wednesday (or church for that matter) in years....

Whatever the case, my main thought as I walked into the polling place, was memories of one year prior. What hope I had on that November day - hope for a future without George Bush. I remember being so excited as I was sure John Kerry was going to be elected that day. After I voted that day, I went to Long Beach airport to fly back east for a work meeting. Fortunately, I was on Jet Blue and could watch the early election results while on the plane. It seemed as if everyone on the plane that day was a democrat as they were all talking excitedly about the exit polls and Kerry's apparent lead.

The excitement continued after I landed and got to the hotel. However, it was over a room service dinner that the tide changed. We all know the rest of the story. If only the election could have been one year later - I have a feeling the outcome would be much different.....


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