Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Quick Hits

Still crazy busy at work - all good stuff though. However, had two quick and funny posts......

Crisis Averted!

My VCR died the other night. Not that I use it that much, but my cable somehow was running through it, so, when it died, I had to take everything apart and rewire it so I could actually watch TV. No easy task for me as hooking up this type of stuff is not an area of expertise. Whatever the case, the little $99 VCR I bought back in 2000 up and died on me. The worst part - my favorite porn tape was inside it!

Try as I might, I could not power it back up in order to eject the tape. So, I had to get serious. Yes, I was reduced to prying off the cover off the whole VCR and plucking my precious porn from the inside of the machine.

A gay man and his porn......


At the gym this morning and overheard the following hilarious conversation between two Newport Beach housewives. Just to give you a little additional color, Newport Beach is one of the priciest zip codes in the US and many of the folks there can be a tad annoying. These two gals are always at the gym when I am there, "working out" with their personal trainer and gossiping like crazy.

Housewife 1 - Have you seen the recent pictures of Janet Jackson?
Housewife 2 - No - why?
Housewife 1 - She is ginormous! (heavy emphasis on the word ginormous)
Housewife 2 - No way!
Housewife 1 - If she had a wardrobe malfunction now, I would barf.

I could not help but chuckle.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I woke up in Brazil this morning - how strange to think. Yes, after two weeks of being crazy busy at work (hence, the lack of any blog activity for that period), I am finally on vacation. Of course, I carry with me a guilt load as it was not the best time to leave the office, but you have to use it sometime....

Anyway, this will be a short post as we are trying to pack things up and head up the coast for a few days. We are currently at our friends' house outside Sao Paulo. The house is amazing - looks like it could be on the cover of Dwell magazine. Ah, the good life. I woke up this morning, had a nice breakfast with our friends, and then took a nice swim in the pool. It is amazing how quickly one can get back in the "relax" mode.

Life is interesting here (this is our second trip) and the gap between rich and poor is huge. Driving in we passed a few favelas (the infamous Brazilian shanty towns) and I found myself wondering how people can live in conditions like that. On the flip side, our friends have a beautiful home and several servants to cater to our every need. That being said, they are wonderfully grounded people and appreciative of all they have.

A different world than the one I am used to for sure. Ok, time to pack and head out. Will provide more details of my life when I return stateside (including my big trip to Minneapolis for work).....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election Day

Long time, no posts..... As you know, my company was acquired last week and things have been nuts. The pre-close lull came to an abrupt end and everyone is running around like a chicken with its head cut off (growing up on a farm in the Midwest, I actually know what that looks like).

Anyway, wanted to at least get one quick post out today as it is election day and all. I went to the polls first thing this morning - I always like to get the "I voted" sticker and wear it all day (shows I take my rights as an American citizen seriously and is a good reminder to all that I come across to get out there and vote). Funny to think that you get the same reaction as you do on Ash Wednesday - people always say, "oh yeah - I have to go vote" or in the case of Ash Wednesday, "oh yeah - I have to go to church." Of course, I have not gone to Ash Wednesday (or church for that matter) in years....

Whatever the case, my main thought as I walked into the polling place, was memories of one year prior. What hope I had on that November day - hope for a future without George Bush. I remember being so excited as I was sure John Kerry was going to be elected that day. After I voted that day, I went to Long Beach airport to fly back east for a work meeting. Fortunately, I was on Jet Blue and could watch the early election results while on the plane. It seemed as if everyone on the plane that day was a democrat as they were all talking excitedly about the exit polls and Kerry's apparent lead.

The excitement continued after I landed and got to the hotel. However, it was over a room service dinner that the tide changed. We all know the rest of the story. If only the election could have been one year later - I have a feeling the outcome would be much different.....